
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Aussie Day 1 - 31 May

Here's Day 1.
The trip was generally boring. We joined a tour which I now think is a wrong choice.
Throughout the 6 days I was given only 2 hours to shop! Can you imagine?!
2 hours for me! I'll talk about that on Day 5.

For now, Day 1.
I didn't know how sucky jet lag could get till then. Oh my.

I reached there at 8am - Aussie time. Singapore was only 6am.
& the trip begins.

We waited 45 minutes for the vessel to fetch us to Tangalooma while waiting I almost zonk out.
The weather was perfect plus the little warmth from the sun was so.. COZY!!

If only Singapore was half as good. Like 26°C instead of 31°C I'll be contented.

The journey to Tangalooma was excruciating!
Drowsy yet can't sleep. The chair was solely meant for sitting. I know every chair's for sitting la.. But there are some where you can position yourself such that you can sleep comfortably. The chair they had was no way for that purpose.

They have so many things we can't see in Singapore..
Factory like this..

And this..

And this..

Now! Look at the chair!
I forgot to take a photo of it. Try to figure it out and you know how much a torment it was.

I've never seen this in Singapore. Pelicans!!
Clear sea.

Adorable isn't it?
Its really big.

A bird trying to steal fish from the box.

I love their fine sand and clear sea. Nothing like what you see in Singapore.
And I'm going to Sentosa this Saturday. The water better be clean! The sun better be covered by clouds!!

1st buffet meal and I had a lot more to go.
Buffet for Breakfast. Buffet for Lunch. Buffet for Dinner.

I wanna go HongKong!!
The food there are so much nicer.

Done with lunch we rushed to our room for power nap!

Our room.
I shared my room with my sis.

2 singles.

While others spent their holiday enjoying I was thinking about something.

Awake and time - 3pm - for sand surfing!
I didn't bring my camera along cause the slope we were told to climb up was freaking steep. Like 65 degrees and go all the way up?

Half way up I was already screaming,

If I were to have my camera with me it'll be buried under the sand.

While rainbow is rare in Singapore there's 2 rainbow abreast in Aussie!!
Spot the 2nd one. At the right. How chio.

Family photo.

Sun sets at 5pm over there.
Almost pitch dark.

Done with another buffet meal we went to watch wild dolphins.

They'll appear promptly at 6pm to be fed like how people over there close their shops for the day.

Off I went waiting for Day 2 to arrive.
Stay tune for Day 2 =D
& I got ads under this post (:

With love,

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