
Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm feeling happy =D

Definitely not with the weather lah!
Who the hell will be happy with this kind of weather and go to Sentosa?!
34°C during noon, its totally insane.

The heat is killing not just me but all of YOU too, am very sure.
For some reason I woke up and lost my voice.
Everyone in my family is laughing at me and making me talk when they all know I can't speak.
Damn it!

Calls and questions came in one by one despite me telling them I have no voice.
What is wrong with all of you? T.T

Taken by webcam.
I love my black hair!!

School's been great for the first week though I got Cs for first 2 days.
And I really wanna share more about my classmates but after I praise someone or something, everything just changed.
Like how you say this person is nice but later on, not anymore.

Only 1 week,
I've ran out of ideas on what to wear for school. Not like I've only 5 sets of clothes, you can't expect me to wear my shopping clothes to school. Do you?
Okay, I'm just lazy.

Here's a happy thing,

Bought a new bag! Hot pink bag.
I'm not supposed to buy any bag, mention about bag or even think about bag until May. This is stupid but my dad thinks I've got too much of it during Feb.
Remember? I bought 4 VS bags.

And yeah,
he didn't know about this bag =D

So super big, I can dump everything inside.
It looks like LongChamp but its not.

P/s: I think I'm hooked on pool. Shit.

Gonna go to bed. Good Night,

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