
Friday, April 17, 2009

3rd day of Orientation

There's no 1st day. No 2nd day either.
Only 3rd day. Which is today. What a day with many day to start.

I spent 1 bloody hour getting to school!
Took bus 34 to IKEA then 168. Freaking cramp and slow.
& I was late.

RP aren't as bad as what I've thought.
Almost quiet and peacefully white. Just the traveling..

I think I'm going to bling my laptop.
Giving it a full pink. or something near pink =D

Clean and fresh look.
How well do you like it? A lot for me! Save my poor lashes.
They're so fond of falling off.

Classmate I met, Zam.
I photoshopped his photo cause he said he looks ugly in photo.

Was in a making-new-friends mood and said hi to 3 girls while holding a door.
And they were like, "You know her?",
"No" after they went into the room.


Here's the ugly thing. My ez-link card.
Please be prepared.

Remember how I look like normally.
I didn't photoshop any of my photos posted today.
So are other days.

Damn it!

And I torn a straw apart during lunch,
I just pull and it turned out like this.

Global warming is doing it.
Its like standing in front of an oven even under shade.

Bought a nail polish remover bottle and a buffer.
Causeway point is boring and yellowish.

Its a pump.

3 kinder joy.

I just love the toy.


With Love,

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