
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pineapple Tarts w Edelyn

On a hot sunny day call Tuesday, I decided to go partial from class and suffer the hot weather to
Edelyn's house.

Halfway I gave up, hail a cab and literally went Ahhh~ when I got on one.
The weather in Singapore is far worst than most things.

I reached her house and was welcomed by a big mess on the table.
That's Edelyn! Trying to remove the dough from a mold.

Painstakingly putting it on a board showered with flour while I disappeared
to watch Tv or check my phone or twit. I can't remember.

My memory is so bad recent months!
I left my house for school without laptop this morning and thankfully realized it before I reached
the bus-stop. Sometimes I turn around and forget what was it I wanna do -__-"

Beautifully removed from mold.

A photo of me trying to reach the back of my teeth using my tongue.
That's my habit.

Half of the time MingJie and her was bickering about I-don't-know-what while
I was there laughing at the 2 of them.

And she have 2 vacuum cleaner at home!!

Here's the small vacuum cleaner named small boy who was smelling the dustbin.

And look at the floor, that's nine, vacuum cleaner 2.
Initially I thought she was joking about them being vacuum cleaner but the moment
I drop my food on the floor even if its a narrow passage way, nine will
SQUEEZE his through and eat whatever that's on the ground.

The whole day he just sat beside me like that waiting for me to feed him.
He'll stand up instantly when he saw me holding edibles.

Juicy pineapple.

It looked quite ugly after it was baked.

Like this.
But it tasted very very tummy!


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