
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Almost died

From dim sum buffet I had yesterday.
I went all the way to 80 Neil Road with Braynard just to have dim sum at Dim Joy and I don't know why the F were they closed when their lunch time is from 11am to 3pm!

Man! I checked. I was there at 2pm!
Waste my cab fare and dampened all my excitement. The next time imma call them, make sure they are opened before I stupidly go down just to hear, "Sorry we're closed."

Good new lashes I bought from Sasa which detached from my eye at the end of the day :( It's not the lashes fault. I reused them and did a lousy job at sticking. The first time I worn them I couldn't even remove it! Soaked a piece of cotton with removal, left them on my eye as though I was masking them and finally got rid of it. Scary.

Since Dim Joy was closed, we walked all the way to Chinatown under the hot sun and stuffed ourselves to the brim with dim sum at Yum Cha to pay for disappointment I had earlier on.
Nearly died from overeating. This was only half of what we ate.

Would have puke without this.

This is just a photo of my fugly short nails after cutting them. However, they proved to be very convinent so I cutted my toe nails too. Okay, that was very random.

It's just a photo to seperate dim sum and my surprise at home.

Reached home at night while my parents were watching Tv. My mum asked me to go to my room, switch on the lights and I knew there was a surprise installed for me.

FYI, I didn't go oh so dramatic like, "OMG! THERE IS A GIFT ON MY PILLOW!" and unwrapped it.

Instead, I camwhored with the box and yes, with a shade bought from school's flea market. Only $5. Insanely cheap. Lousy too.

I thought, "WTF? This is ugly." when I opened the box then quickly checked for receipt if they say exchange is allowed within 7 days or not. Lied to mum I like it when I don't even do. In the end she went, "You don't like it." I could feel the hurt but I was all selfish and told her I will change it into something I like if I don't like it in the next 3 days.

Admit I was being a bitch.
Felt mad guilty and sorry after thinking how my mum spent time at the shop picking something out of the variety and go, "I think Claire will love this when she receive it." in her thoughts before purchasing it. Only to come home seeing me behaving like that.

Took me a while to stop tearing from guilt and tell her how much I appreciate and love the necklace after looking at it.



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