
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year


CNY lasts for 15 days but nobody goes visiting on the 4th already?
I love CNY more than other occasions while Christmas comes close at 2nd place.

Tell me who doesn't? All the goodies, gambling and ang bao!
Okay, to be honest, it's the ang bao that makes me look forward to CNY most. $__$

Family gathering is nonsense. TOTALLY.
Dislike typical relatives asking about results. They are just hoping that I get results lousier
than their child. Oh please.

Enough of complaining.

Woke up and prayed for good weather.
There! I had that.

CNY outfit.

Forget about Day 2 or 3. By the 2nd day I was stuck at an uncle's house reading
'The 5 people you meet in heaven'. Of all time his air-con was down and the house was WARM!

Thankful he was a great cook and had lots of goodie so I sat beside the table filled with goodies
and untaped all of them. Trying everything like I've never eaten any before.

I have lots of camwhoring photo this CNY.
Here's one with oranges.


Awesome tiger nails.

My first ang bao from Daddy!

Paternal grandma!

At her 'garden'
I don't know what was she looking at. It was so difficult to make her look at the camera
there's always distractions. Like relatives coming, dogs and cats etc.

More camwhoring pic.

Love the fact that we don't look alike.

Couldn't stop eating even when I knew I'm gonna explode at the next moment
Promise I was hugging a jar of it and munching until I was asked to leave
for the next destination.

Maternal uncle's child.

Such a lose out to all the fun when you don't know how to play mahjong and your relatives
chose to fly on CNY of all times.
And I wanna learn mahjong!! Tell me where to get chio mahjong tiles!
I have 2 months long holiday for me learn mahjong so on next gathering I can play.

Daddy and mummy.
Love them TTM.


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