It was discovered that iOS 5 beta 3 jailbreak has problems with apps. Many are reporting the issue prompting people to halt upgrading and / or jailbreaking. It is believed to be a problem with sandbox. So if you are not savvy with iOS and it's workings, wait for the problem to be resolved before upgrading. Even MuscleNerd says Devs only!

Earlier @MuscleNerd announced that iOS 5 beta 3 could be jailbroken with Redsn0w beta that was able to jailbreak iOS 5 earlier.
So if you are not put off by not being able to run app store apps, you can get the Redsn0w from iPhone Dev Team;
To download redsn0w, use the following links:
redsn0w 0.9.8b1 for Mac
redsn0w 0.9.8b1 for Windows
iPhone Dev Team via Modmyi
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