
Friday, November 12, 2010


Found a pile of photos in my studies and they turned out to be photos taken when I was 12, just in case one day in the future when I get famous and people decided to slam me with these photos, I'll share with you first.

I looked OMFG-ly fugly! Like totally. Suddenly love my parents a lot. They've never once said I'm ugly or tell me they wished I can be prettier etc during that time. The whole time when I was that age I was trying very hard to act chio/ kawaii *puke*

Now I know why I didn't have any friends back then but fret not! Even Megan Fox and Katy Perry is ugly when they are teenager.

Most taken when I went on a 2 days school trip to Malacca.

Looked like I ran out of kampong.

Trying to act cool here with the 007 pose.
Don't know how I could survive this hair back then and still get it again last year!

My legs was slim back then!
What happened to those legs?!

I wore that watch for 4 years and refused to change it even though the light button came off cause I thought it was cool to be thrifty and not change a watch. It's just plain CHEAPSKATE!

After PSLE we had a crappy graduation ceremony at the canteen where we got to eat shitty catered food.
I remember I kicking up a fuss at home cause I wanted to look the chioest badly yet didn't have clothes to wear (this still happens now, only difference is I'm capable of getting my own clothes now).

My favorite teacher - Miss Sim.
Another person who gave me her patience and again, didn't hiam me for looking the way I did.

You know how primary school kid always wanted to be teacher's pet thinking it was cool? Guess I was one of them. Would prolly stab myself if I'm another person.

Entered high school. Taken during our first excursion.
Still as hateful but this girls even though we fell out soon after and we weren't in good terms throughout, wholly me being a bitch, I would've miss out a lot without them.

End with a ugly photo.


Claire Ching.

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