
Sunday, October 31, 2010


A fatal weapon that can single handedly damage the trust you took a lifetime to build.

Just when you think lying is easy and helps you get your way through, think again. What if you're asked again on the same situation? You lie again. What if you're asked who/ what/ when/ why/ how? YOU LIE AGAIN.

Sometimes when you're lucky, things just ended there. You move on. But it's not all the time!

To prevent yourself from getting exposed you have to plan a series of lie that tallies and sound convincing. Before you know it, you're sucked into a never ending cycle and your life is screwed.

In actual fact, you screwed your life. After a lie, you'll find it harder to trust cause you'll think others will lie to you just like how you did. Slowly, you feel insecure then your balance in life is lost.

Well, there is white lie which is not seen as a lie to most peeps out there yet it's still a lie. People are still being cheated and getting their trust they had on you wasted.

On most times lying is an easy way out. You skip probable nagging/ accusation and trouble. Nonetheless you can't deny sometimes after you do it you won't wish you had told the truth cause I do!

I start to question myself, "why can't I be honest? If I know it's right why didn't I admit it and say it? Lying only shows others I'm guilty."

Lie: mentally strenuous activity mostly done by coward who wants an easy way out of problem but ended up getting screwed.

You see, it takes one lie to cover another and it goes on. If you think being honest is difficult, lying is worst.

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