
Saturday, August 14, 2010

National Day Dinner

Happy 45th Birthday Singapore! 

Instead of squeezing with the crowd for a place to watch fireworks on the actual day I did it last week on their last rehersal with Andy, Leon and Jiaqi. So Benson and I decided to do grocery shopping before heading to cook at ChengHeng's house.

Wanted to wear red and white but couldn't find any thing close to it. Other than the big red bow on my head. I remember I used to wear red top and white bottom to school and forced to stand at the parade square for the entire morning just to listen to speech and songs we can't be bothered about.

Glad I grew out of it.

Carrot for ABC soup

You only need pork rib, carrot, potato, corn and onion. Throw them into a pot. Add water. Boil for hours. VOILA! You have a pot of yummy soup for everybody.


Majority who don't eat vegetable don't mind broccoli but what's so disgusting about vegetables?! I thought only kids hate vegetables? 


I don't know how birds enter Giant when it's enclosed and that spot-the-bird shit on my hand. Gross max. I stepped to my right and immediately it shit -___-"

Weighting station

Live tiger prawn

9 prawns

All that we bought.


Useless receipt that tells you the total



These 2 babies rushed out of the house when we ChengHeng's place.

Love huge dogs better than chihuahua. These 2 stand almost as tall as my shoulders and probably older than you in dog years.

Cooking but still must camwhore. 


A huge pot of soup we didn't manage to finish.
Can feed like a family of 5!

What do you think? 

Clockwise: Sweet and sour pork, tomato fried egg, soup and stir fried broccoli with prawns.

If you ask me what do I think, I'll reply you, "I LOVE MY KITCHEN NOW!"

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