
Monday, August 30, 2010

LG Meet & Greet Lee Min Ho

I assure you that long before this post is published I've already had it in my dashboard. Saved as draft and I had to publish it only now. 

Gonna thank LG for inviting me to this event. Lee Min Ho fan who didn't get to go to the event should thank them too! Without, the invite there won't be his photos below though I bet the fans already scrolled to the middle for it and ignoring this paragraph :p

The event was held at Marina Bays Sands and boy! The place was HUGE!! Andy and I walked a good 30 minutes from the nearest MRT station, Promenade, perspiring under the hot sun. 

His the guy in blue.

By the time we arrived, the press conference was coming to an end and we had to stand at the back while figuring what went on/ what we've missed.

The best shot I could take amongst the crowd.

Here's what we were there for!

LG optimus.
Another Android phone by LG.

Buying a mobile, many will only consider Blackberry, iphone or Android phone. I haven't hear people asking, "Should I get Nokia/ Sony Ericsson etc" for ages!

VIP pass
Feel like a royalty when I receive pass like this.

Flaunting our passes. Andy.


Photos with flash always look better.

Lots of yummeh FOOD!!

Nothing tasted better than desserts

Am such a glutton I will always ask myself if there'll be food served during an event and grumble inside my head when the food is lousy or worst, no food.

1.5k fans

EIC performance

Lee Min Ho!

There was a 1 meter distance between us when he walked in but I couldn't take a proper shot with my camera's shutter speed :(

Thank whoever that invented zoom +++++

Lucky fans who got to ask him questions and take a group shot.

He was asked do 10 drawings..

which was thrown to the crowd.

After the event we heard that a girl cried because she couldn't get a drawing.






#5 Andy

#6 Randy

#7 I like this photo a lot.

The End!!

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