
Thursday, December 31, 2009

IT's 2010!!

NYR updated. Scroll down.


I scheduled this post so it'll be published at 12am.
So its the last day of 2009 when I'm blogging this post.

NY resoultions are so common and uninteresting that almost everybody have the same one.
Mine's different! Totally. Or least half of it is different lah.

Its always those pick up a new hobby, skills and such. But how many actually managed to do it?
By the time they reach June they forgot almost all of it.

One of my NYR'09 (New Year Resolution in short) was to save up and by May I bought a Burberry wallet.

NYR for 2010!

1. Get a job.

FYI, I'm daddy's girl and he pay for my everything.
Appreciate it loads but I despise reliance.

When I'm too free, which I always have been, I sunk into a world of my own and
turned depressive.

Totally mad.
Cannot so must get a job.

2. Get out of comfort zone.

For what get out of comfort zone?!
I rejected all part time job even though the pay is better than others simply
cause I'm too happy and lazy and can't be bother
to get out of my comfort zone.

Don't think you'll catch me zhao geng by staring.
Cause I didn't!

3. Positivity.

There's always someone who wants to make you upset over what you're doing even
the tiniest thing.
Don't let them get the upper hand,
shrug it off with a smile.

4. Don't talk about FARMS.
Family. Academic. Relationships. Money. Stress.
These topic makes me so annoyed and wanna die instantly its so uninteresting and a waste
of time to talk about them. And people don't need to know about it.

5. Have patience.

There are just some dumb pea who loves to pretend they missed out what you've said and
continue with their point or reply "HUH ?!" when its mad obvious they've heard you.
So just ignore and wait for 1 minute for them to realize.

6. Stop using my tongue to reach for teeth at the back.
I have a habit of doing that and every few months I find my taste buds/ under tongue swelling.

7. Floss religiously.
Its been 11 months with braces, my teeth is getting straighter!
But I'm so lazy to floss and sometimes I even forget. Eww..

8. Eat fish and chicken only.
Just in case I don't achieve the ones above, for the least I'll still accomplish this.
I don't take beef, mutton and pork. Duck is an exception.

9. Don't get pissed when you meet dumb f**k.
Sorry but dumb f**k is really the best word to describe this people.
Its not like they don't have a brain but every time when the obvious is in front of them,
they can't see it. Until later, they'll come back and tell you, you're right.
I guess dumb fuck needs more time.

10. Eat less.
I don't get hungry as often as people do but I keep eating and eating and eating. Its only 2nd day
of school, I gained 1kg. FML!

11. No dinner
Yes, I don't eat dinner, sometimes I forget or eat it when I'm out with friends.
But NO! No more.

12. No rice.
Don't really like it a lot. So not eating.

13. Stop picking on people.

I know nobody is perfect but I keep picking on people.
You've underestimate how much I can pick. I do it right for their hair to toes.
And yes yes, I know I'm not perfect. That's why the addition of this NYR.

I have 3 + 9 (added not long after publishing cause 3 is really not enough) NYR this year,

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