
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

1st Christmas

Major upset. I didn't win LG contest for Korea :'(

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it and say never mind blah blah blah cause I really feel very very bad.

NO! Don't expect me to babble either. So yes. I'm sad and the end.

On the other I celebrated my 1st Christmas!

Dropped by sis's workplace to collect my only Christmas gift and wore

a knitted cardigan on purpose to feel Christmasy.

I bugged her for a click click rouge (press the golden part and you'll hear a click sound)

and finally I got it! Gonna bug for Chance perfume now.

Went to Edelyn's (background) boyfriend's place for a small BBQ party.

Edelyn's boyfriend, Ming Jie who have a twin brother !

Food we didn't manage to finish.

FYI, there were only 7 of us.

While other's were BBQ-ing outside I got changed and stayed indoors

watching Orphan and munching on breadstick.

Camwhoring in the hall cause I thought Imma spend my 1st Christmas celebration

watching DVDs in a big house.

Another me.

With a babe who shares the same birthday as me.

Okay, in case you don't know, she's Edelyn.

We're born on 12 March.

Just 4 years apart.

Here's another.

And I think I NEED a new camera, its blur !!.


Still blur. Bloody annoyed when memories spoilt by OMFG lousy photos.


And when this photo was taken I realized everybody's attached.

Okay wait, at least Joe, bespectacled guy, is not.

Seeing people in pairs during festive season, especially, makes you

feel like you want somebody too and that's how 'accident' normally happens.


Right, I'm only dreaming. Cannot meh?!


Mini liquor.

I don't drink. I don't smoke.

But I love collectibles.

This is not collectible but its as big as my face!

I got to draw on people's face when I won Indian poker.

And obviously he lost that's why I drew on his face.



This is Wei Le.

Thought I was very lucky to win and draw on WeiLe and Xuexin (above)

face too.

But not always so lucky cause I lost later on!

Panda eye.

After me turned Edelyn.

She was the first one I drew and I gave her a black line. Intended on

Lady Gaga's lighting bolt but not more than 5cm :(

Super black brow by WeiLe.

That's Ming Hao.

I always think twins are so amazing.

Like 2 person look the same and people get confused on who is who.

Lydia drawing on Joe.

Justice Bao with a mole.

2nd time!

Half a moustache.

Here's Ming Hao again.

Ming Hao.


I love her like she's my sister.

And before I say bye and blog again prolly next year here's me with braces!




















I think its about long enough

















I look retarded.

But I had fun! I need to look for a job so I have something to do.



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