
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It is here!!:)
Actually quite fast & efficient! Thanks to Lush Shop!
The beginning of my skinny face journey.. but looking at the steps/procedures I have to do to achieve better result. Make me realised how true is the phrase "天下没有丑女人只有懒女人!" (There is no ugly people, only lazy ones)
I haven't use yet.. after I post this entry I am going to try it. And will blog out how is it after the first use. hahaha. Now I cannot be lazy MUST DO IT FOR SKINNY V SHAPE FACE!
And this little boy fell sick.
Lucky korkor is around to bring him to the vet. Got hospitalized but home already. Good thing is he is alright now still as active & playful, and less sleepy. haha. Funniest thing is when we feed him the medicine, his face expression is priceless funny!! hahaha. Hope he will totally get rid of the worms inside him soon!!(:

This incident make me realised how is it like to be a pet owner. It's not just playing with them, feeding them etc. You need to be with them when they need you. The unconditional love & forgiveness you give them when they did something wrong. And not forgetting the expenses you will need to spend on them, for foods, toys, necessaries & even medical fees.

Still learning to be one.
Can't wait for my annual leave~!! Although don't know what I will be doing for the week. But thinking that I can sleep late, I am so happy! hahaha.

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