
Sunday, January 10, 2010


I am blogging!
Years back I update at the end of the day or in a few days when memories were fresh.
Now I'm so lazy and can't be bothered. Oh my..

Went back to LG on Friday with the intention of returning my phone but they were nice
enough to let me keep it till Andy, Shawn and Beatrice return from Korea!

This phone is really awesome kay!
I didn't blog about it because I want to go Korea lor.

Being a very awesome friend, I accompanied Andy to different places to make sure his got the best deal for his BIG BIG present before we finally stopped at Orchard Central's Sakae Sushi for dinner and call it a day.

We're always at Sakae sushi for meals and I'm getting a bit used to it but
Inari sushi is sweetly yummy!

As much as sweet food is nice and releases endorphin (chocolate) to make us feel happy,
excess sugar intake causes WRINKLES!!!
No wonder. No wonder, I have wrinkles. My sugar intake when I was wee is underestimated by
anybody who knows me. Why didn't I listen to mum when she says, "don't eat so sweet."

Whatever, we had a ginormous bowl of ramen.

Yes, it is ginormous.

And I just recalled NYR #11 says, "No dinner".
Failed. Again.

But its just a small bowl of noodle without egg :(

Andy complained about missing the egg and their supervisor, Aloysius, came
with not just the egg..

But with my favorite dessert too (complimentary)! We got another 10% waived cause our
chawanmushi didn't come after half an hour.
So we were 2 happy customers for that day :D

As said, I am a very awesome friend, met Andy the next day to get
winter stuff from Daiso, Vivo City, so he don't freeze there.

I'm so excited and a bit upset cause its his first flight (which explains my excitement) but
I can't fly with him :(

Na, here's a candid shot, taken on train that (I think) I look really nice in.
Okay, I don't know why I made this face but it look decent.

I can has chio long hair.

Everybody said cutting short hair was a wrong choice but I don't think so leh!
Its not like I look that bad with short hair but okay lah,
long hair looks chioer.

NY aim: To grow my hair long.


Love huge ass photos of myself.

Another one.

$2 ear muff at Daiso which - I think - won't even work.
I'll be turning 18 in 2 months and a day!!

And if you ever know, I don't know how to end a blog post properly.

I'll end here.


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