
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I don't know how long was it that I actually blogged about today - daily happenings.

Haven't been blogging a lot like what I used too. Been complain constantly that I have nothing to
blog about but in actual fact I'm just too lazy to make the extra effort to look presentable and
pick nice clothes.

Dad came home earlier on and tell me, "precious, papa bought a mercs today."
Okay, I'm not trying to how lian here but my dad got bore of driving around during work and
coincidentally he heard about some shop at I-don't-know-where selling Mercs.

Drove there and VOILA! He got another car. That's like the 3rd vehicle he own?
(I still sound so show off-ish. Kay, my dad is super thrifty and its supposed to be shocking news that shake the
entire 50miles perimeter when he buys something that cost more than $20.)

Obviously he'll be selling his lao pok Toyota, who needs so many cars? They are not even
collectibles and takes up so much space.

And I'm blogging a word filled post cause I dozed off on my bed which have no bed sheet, bolster
cover, pillow case and cushion cover - mum stripped them off and wash it after I complaint my face had
mild swelling itchy patch at the corner of my eyes' sockets
- wanting to know how it feels to sleep on a
bed without sheets.

Swear I was weighting the Pros and Cons of going for a swim before the sunset/ after the sunset/
better still, don't go. The next thing I know it's 7pm. 2 hours past.

I promise I will run tomorrow.

Wearing AC Milan jersey to school.

And I know I permed my hair!
Some said it suits me but I look mature while some with their grass/ pubes-esque hair commented
that my hair is..
Whatever, I can't remember just something negative.

I shall be immature and assume that whoever that insult my hair have hair that looks like pubes
or grass and therefore ignore it.


I need to sleep.
Good Night everybody(:

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