
Saturday, August 22, 2009

I grow up..

and learn everyday.

Life's like..
a lesson. You learn everyday. Every moment.
drawing without an eraser. You made a mistake. You can't undo.
a runway. But you won't be on headline if you fall. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

I grow up. I err. I learn. I understand. I realize.

I used to be an escapist.
Now I learn to be patient. I learn to watch and see.
& I learn that escaping will end me up at no where.

I used to run around fixing things when I hear criticisms.
Now I learn that those who mind don't matter.
Those who matter won't mind.

I reflect on myself when I receive negative comments.
Now I learn that I can't satisfy everybody.
I just have to ensure that I am me. And right.

I loved to find excuses to cover up for everything I do.
Now I learn that I need to accept facts before I learn.

I'm constant of making decision on impulse because I'm worried that other party will be tired of waiting hence run away or someone might purchase it if its the last few left.

I'm afraid of deadline because I don't want to make decision on impulse when I'm forced to make one only to realize I was wrong.

I'm worried of praising because things always change after you praise them.

I'm fond of..
shopping because that's when the world gets better (then its not, and I need to do it again).
baking because it reflects life (the processes taken determine the results.)
sleeping because I can feel safe like a baby.
eating because I know I am fortunate to have food.
donating because I know I am helping others.
blogging because I know there's you to grow with me.
dancing because I know I can flow with beats.
singing because I can express myself.
blings because they sparkle and makes me happy.

There's more for me to learn. Even an old man who's about to kick the bucket have things he yet to learn. And sometimes things yet to fulfill.

Life is meant for you to live to its fullest.


p/s: Tomorrow is me-day (I think).

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