
Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Tomorrow i just wanna be a happiest person cuz esok my ashraf gonna wear his hearing aid.. dh tentu aku nk gembira saje sbb ni lah 1st time my ashraf nk dgr suara mama dia!!! YEAYY... tak sabar rasanye nk tgk reaction dia bila pertama kali selama 2 tahun without hear anything dpt gak dia dgr sound sekeliling dia. i can't wait to teach him sumthing yg selama ni dia tak tau langsung apa benda!!! huhuhu...

tp hearing aid yg akan dipakai my ashraf tomorrow hanya utk 3 months shja sbb nk test tgk sama ada ashraf can hear or not sbb klu nk beli it will cost about rm3000++ sbb my ashraf ni permanent hearing loss so harganye agak mahal sbb alat tu dia nyer function ada lebih skit than usual hearing aid...

my ashraf gonna wear this kind of hearing aid...

klu xde perubahan gak my ashraf gonna do operation for 'CHOCLEAR IMPLANT', where the doctor gonna put the hearing aid inside the ear and this is the part that damage my ashraf nyer telinga. and of course this kind of operation will gonna nead at least rm65k+!!!

images about choclear implant and this is
how my ashraf gonna get through in the future..

itu aje story of the day... yang penting aku mmg dh tak sabar lgi nk tunggu ari esok!!! doakn semoga semuanye berjalan ngan lancar... AMIN!!!!


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