
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

GMA-7's Couple or Trouble Episode Four guide

Billy, who ignored Anna when he passed her on the street, decides to see her again. Once again, he chances upon her at the supermarket, where he learns that Anna has amnesia.
This comes as a huge relief.
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He sees Anna and Eugene doing laundry together. When Eugene trips and falls, Anna starts laughing merrily. Seeing this, Billy is thrown into shock, since he’s never seen her so happy when she was with him.
Billy decides to leave for the States. He tells Mr. Gong to begin preparations.
Meanwhile, Eugene goes to the drugstore to pick up bandages for Anna, who has a sprained wrist.
At the drugstore, he overhears a conversation between two of Yookyeong’s friends, and he finds out that Yookyeong is waiting alone at a café for her fiancé.
Eugene asks his friend, a cab driver, to wait by the café until Yookyeong comes out to take her home safely.
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In all of this, he forgets to pick up the bandages for Anna. Feeling bad about it, he wraps a hot towel around her wrist once he gets home.
He continues to nurse her, even telling her he’ll take her to the hospital the next day.
Seeing this, Anna begins to have feelings for Eugene.
She doesn’t know what she feels yet, but something is definitely happening.

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