Ah, la bella Roma! This is one of my favourite cities in the world...
Over 2.7 million residents in 1,285.3 km2; it spans over two and a half thousand years. Tosca. Iconic sites of classic movies. Roman Holiday. Fellini. La Dolce Vita. (Sigh) ...Gelato! (lol)
Here's a list of things to do & places to visit:
1- The obvious: visit the astonishing beauty and wealth of the Vatican Museums (+39 06 698 84947), including the Sistine Chapel. You can book tickets online: http://mv.vatican.va/3_EN/pages/MV_Home.html
2- Admire Bernini's Four Rivers Fountain (Fontana dei Fiumi) in Piazza Navona
3- Visit The Pantheon- Rome's best preserved monument
4- Have an aperitivo on the Campo de' Fiori — don't miss the nearby Piazza Farnese.
5- It's probably not a good idea to dance inside the Fontana di Trevi, like Anita Ekberg did in La Dolce Vita, but you may (and should!) toss a coin over your shoulder. Trevi Fountain
6- Do some people watching at the central and traffic-prohibited spot - the Spanish Steps, which, BTW in Spring are decorated with hundreds of coloured azaleas...(Sigh)
7- Enjoy traffic-free Sunday to visit Via Antica; hire bikes from the park information office on the road and cycle out into the alluring, ruin-dotted countryside.
Oh, don't forget to visit the Porta Portese flea market and bargain for little treasures. Furniture, jewelry, Vynil records, etc, etc...
8- Take courage and stick your hand in the Bocca della Verità (The Mouth of Truth)
9- Look through the keyhole!
For some quiet time, stroll up the Aventine Hill with its historical churches, past charming Rose Gardens, look through a keyhole at the headquarters of the Sovereign Order of the Knights of Malta (Piazza Cavalieri di Malta) that perfectly frames a view of St. Peter’s Basilica, one of the most splendid views of the city stretching out beneath you.. Relax, and inhale the delicious aroma in the Orange Garden (Giardino degli Aranci) (Closest Metro is Circo Massimo and it is only a short walk uphill from there).
10- National Gallery of Ancient Art of Barberini Palace (Via delle Quattro Fontane, 13; 39-06-482-4184; galleriaborghese.it). Includes masterpieces by Raphael, Caravaggio, and Pietro da Cortona, who also painted the spectacular ceiling fresco, "The Triumph of Divine Providence."
Tuesday to Sunday, from 8.30am to 7.30pm.
11- Go to one of the world's most historic spots - the Roman Forum. Visualize the Vestal Virgins, keeping the sacred flame alight at the Temple of Vesta. Admire the base of the Temple of Saturn, and the Rostrum- legendary platform, where Mark Antony gave his speech in Shakespeare's play after Caesar's assassination.
Admission is free; 9am-6.30pm Mon-Sat / 9am-1pm Sun
For a picnic in the nearby Roman Forum, and enticing views of Trajan’s Column, go to the Enoteca “Provincia Romana” (Largo del Foro Traiano, 82-84; 39-06-6766-2424). It's a classy wine bar where local products dominate from beginning to end.
Mondays to Saturdays, from 11am to 10pm.
12- I certainly recommend skiping dessert and, instead, having a gelato at nearly any Gelateria, Italian ice-ceam is delicious everywhere! But, if you want a specific reference, go to the Gelateria dei Gracchi (Via dei Gracchi, 272; 39-06-3216668) or Al Settimo Gelo (Via Vodice, 21a; 39-06-372-5567; alsettimogelo.it)- two of the city’s best gelaterias.
13- If it’s Autumn, check out the Roma Europa Festival (romaeuropa.net)-thater, music, and dance from all around the world.
14- For a mid-afternoon snack, buy roasted chestnut from a street vendor.
15- A definite must: stroll down, and stop for a coffee in Via Veneto ...Remember, La Dolce Vita?
16- At night: do some bar-hopping in the Trastevere neighborhood, or simply pick one, and have a glass of wine while people-watching.
17- Take a good look at the Castel Sant'Angelo and set your imagination free- it appeared in Dan Brown's novel Angels & Demons; it's also where Cavaradossi is held prisoner in Puccini's opera, Tosca.
18- Visit the Piazza del Popolo and contemplate the Caravaggios in Santa Maria del Popolo.
19- Leave your diet aside, and EAT! (Ok, if you are Mr. or Mrs. Vanity, then you can burn some of those calories jogging at the Borghese Gardens)
20- Only 30 mins from Rome there's Ostia Antica, Rome's well preserved ancient port, really worth it... I had one of the best seafood dishes there in a simple fisherman's restaurant, but I don't remember the name of it (scusi!). (Take Metro to Piramide and then local train to Ostia Antica)
Buon Viaggio!
Useful Vocabulary:
Good morning -Buongiorno (Bwonjornoh)
Good evening -Buonasera
Please -Per piacere /Per favore (Per fahvohray)
Thank you (very much) -(Mille) grazie (Grahtzeeay)
Excuse me -Scusi (Skoohzeeh)
Where? -Dove?
When? -Quando?
What? -Che cosa?
Which? -Quale?
How much? -Quanto?
I don't understand -Non capisco (Nohn Kahpeeskoh)
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