
Friday, May 14, 2010

On a nice wednesday..

I convinced my friends, Benson and Cheng Heng, to skip school so we can have fun at a cheaper price without annoying squeezy crowd. Therefore they came to my house freaking early when I've yet to brush my teeth.

And I realized I need to trim my fringe. It have grown so long I can barely find it. Like merged with my hair or something. No fringe. Just a head of hair with equal length.

Being very health conscious or in another word, kiasi, I forced my friends to have breakfast before we do anything else. Cause report shown that peeps who don't eat breakfast is: unhealthy, gain weight easily AND!! die earlier. Life is already short. I don't want it shorter.

Not like coffee is very healthy but I like.

Look at all the kids in uniform. I bet they skipped school. What's there to do when you skip school with uniform? Other than having people go, "I bet they skipped school." I doubt there's much you can do. FYI, I didn't skip school hor. Wednesday's my off day. My friends did :D

Cheng Heng. Truancy in act.

While waiting for our food I started to wonder how will I look like when I smile with braces and my smile turned out hard like stone but I smiled the most natural way! Tsk.

Pancake stack with blueberry!
That strawberry tasted like vomit, seriously. I don't know what the hell they did to the strawberry. Thankful that's not the first I've eaten if not I'll think that all strawberry taste like vomit.

And yes! We went to bowl. I was so excited when they told me we're going for bowling cause obviously I've never even touch a bowling ball. My closest contact was walking pass Ehub and seeing them people playing -__-" Rented a smelly shoe.

Size 7. My feet is not that big after all.

Shiny slippery I-don't-know-what-you-call-that-place.



Ding ding!
I ended up being the one with the worst score plus I broke my damn nail :((

And I really hate this weather. It's hot and humid. Why can't it just rain and be less humid? HUH? HUH? HUH!!! I feel like I just came out of a shower all the time.


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