
Friday, May 21, 2010

500 Cupcakes & Muffins: Chocolate Muffins

YES! I changed my blogskin. After weeks of wondering how am I going to have a new blogskin without paying, spending time and stranding my already stranded eye, I chanced upon and there it is! I never go to this site unless blogger is being a bitch and I need to blog desperately.

So now you know.

One fine I'm-waiting-for-my-hair-to-dry night, I had an urge to bake the simplest thing - Chocolate Muffins.

This is prolly the best thing I've ever received from people. I refused to buy one myself thinking that it's a waste of money since recipes are available online but several time I screwed up my muffins. Bet my parents are relieved that I got this book. Imagine the amount of ingredients that go into the bin. Worst for my dad, he have to finish everything.
Step 1

Mix dry ingredients together in a medium bowl.
I added 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder cause it's expiring soon plus reduced sugar to 100g.
Recipe at the end.

Baking is really easy if you're willing to wash the mess you create and a mixer. If not, a muscular guy friend. I'm not trying to be humorous here. I really called a friend at 2am to come over for help before I bought my mixer but he was living directly opposite my unit.

Step 2

Mix moist ingredients in a large bowl.

Make sure your butter is softened before baking. Which means it's soft and not cold. If you realized that it's not soft enough after adding everything in like the above picture, please do not try to melt the butter. Egg will not trap air, to make muffin raise, after it's heated. I don't know why it won't but I know it won't cause I did that.

Step 3

Pour in mixed dry ingredients from step 1 into step 2's. Mix.

Add in bit by bit unless you're very sure you wanna wash your clothes/ apron after baking. They will fly everywhere. I tried that before and I just swept everything that flew out back into the bowl and continue mixing like nothing happened. Obviously I don't do that now!

Should look like this.

Step 4

Place muffin cases

Switch off your fans and don't walk with the pan. They will fly away. 

Step 5

Mix chocolate chips/ raisin/ whatever you want

I mixed them bit by bit just enough for a muffin so there can be different types of muffin instead of just chocolate chips. Plus my dad prefer raisins over sweet chocolate chips. I reduced sugar more and more each time I bake cause he always complain "too sweet".

Step 6

Scoop it into paper cases

Chocolate chips


Step 7

Bake for 20 minutes. Remove when done.

Step 8

Twitpic your success!

The photo don't speak success cause berry have lousy camera. REALLY REALLY LOUSY! Even photoshop don't work.


Now you can bake!

Told you baking is easy.
TGIF but tomorrow don't feel like a Saturday at all. School feels like tomorrow. There's no longer a difference between weekends and weekdays. Guess I won't dislike school anymore. Oh ya! I don't need to wake up early. Alright, Good Night! 


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